13 October 2023

IAPA Bot: Restrictions, Mistreatment, and Harassment against journalists


Miami (October 13, 2023) - This week, flagrant abuses against journalists stained Peru in red registered the IAPA's SIP Bot artificial intelligence monitoring tool.

Journalists Rebeca Diz and Ricardo Velazco of the weekly "Hildebrandt en sus trece" denounced being victims of surveillance and monitoring by the Peruvian Army after publishing reports on alleged crimes within the institution. The National Association of Journalists (ANP) condemned this as a "practice typical of authoritarian regimes." It also warned about the harassment suffered by other Peruvian media.

In the Peruvian city of Chincha, a television reporter was assaulted by National Police officers during his coverage, which a neighbor recorded. The video showing the journalist on the ground went viral on social networks.

In Colombia, stigmatizations and disqualifications towards the media do not cease. The mayor of Rionegro accused the media "Entre Ceja y Ceja" of publishing false news to "discredit his good name." On the other hand, the nation's attorney general disqualified "RTVC Noticias" and "Revista Raya" for an investigation into an alleged organized crime plan to attempt against President Gustavo Petro.

In Mexico, the Supreme Court rejected an appeal by Proceso magazine to be recognized as a victim in the case of the murder of journalist Regina Martínez. The ruling prevents the media from contributing to the authorities in investigating the murders of its journalists.

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, denied persecution and censorship against journalists. However, he affirmed that his government questions "the media too close to the economic power." The Chapultepec Index of Press Freedom ranks Mexico 17th out of 22 American countries.

In Panama, the Electoral Tribunal (TE) prohibited journalist Álvaro Alvarado and the media "Foco" and "Claramente" from publishing photos or audiovisual content of Ricardo Martinelli, presidential candidate, who denounced having been the victim of a "dirty campaign."

IAPA Bot is an artificial intelligence tool of the Inter American Press Association that monitors press freedom violations in real time. It tracks information published in the media, Google News, Twitter, and from a selection of IAPA notes and denunciations. In addition, it contains a heat map that allows observing the press freedom climate in each country, a button to make complaints, and a menu that highlights the statements of government leaders, citizens' conversations, and relevant events.

IAPA is a non-profit organization dedicated to defending and promoting freedom of the press and expression in the Americas. It comprises more than 1,300 publications in the Western Hemisphere, based in Miami, Florida, United States.
