
NICARAGUA In Nicaragua, in the last three years, there has been any kind of political regulation, economic or military from the government to exercise the right to information and expression. During the past year, the number of people working in print, radio and television has increased to very high levels. During this period, gave rise to three new radio stations, a new daily newspaper, a weekly, independent magazines, two television news, a television channel, Channel 2, which was confiscated by the previous government and returned to their owners. The critical economic situation in Nicaragua and acts of violence caused by anti-democratic groups, have jeopardized the exercise of freedom of speech and press during this period. Information professionals are increasingly exposed to economic blackmail on the part of political and economic forces in conflict. The fact that in one way or another coerces the right to free expression of journalists. Moreover, extremist forces have opted for violence against certain media representatives of political factions. Likewise, some journalists have suffered direct attacks for not sharing opinions of extremism and practice their profession at risk their own lives. Some have received threats from people who hold public office. Nicaragua has not experienced any legal action or legal powers of the state which threatens freedom of expression. October 7, 1992 Ramon Mercedes Cabrera, correspondent of Radio Information Carazo, reported that death was the threat of military Ramon Martinez, who intimidated with a gun. The problem arose when a journalist reported information leaked by a union source, in which it was said that Radio Liberty would be sold to a known leader of the Conservative Party. October 10, 1992 Apart from the central government, members of the Unification Movement in the Atlantic Coast Regional decided to censor for 24 hours both stations to "avoid conflicts" during the violent events experienced in Bluefields. Among the members of the Movement was a delegate of the Government. November 25, 1992 Journalists from Radio Corporation were threat of death through telephone calls, due to their comments and information on the murder of Arges Sequeira, head of the Association of Confiscated. January 17, 1993 The mayor of Managua, who acts independently of central government law, ordered the economic harassment against a capital city newspaper. February 2, 1993 Tatiana Rothschuch, a newspaper correspondent in Juigalpa capital was threatened by the responsible Military Hospital Finance Alfonso Nuñez, María Isabel Murillo, for publishing information which addresses the abuse of the assets of this hospital. March 12, 1993 Three unknown men dressed in police and armed, intimidated the control and broadcaster World Radio to broadcast a proclamation for Jos Manuel policy Urbina Lara, Yolaina Command chief, who kidnapped the ambassador and staff of the Embassy of Nicaragua in Costa Rica. April 17, 1993 The Evangelical denominations Nicaragua, opened the fifth station Radio Maranatha Christian in the national stadium Rigoberto Lopez Perez. April 25, 1993 Four armed men identifying themselves as members of the punitive forces of the left (FPI), dominated a watcher and compressors disconnected signals. Then remove the radio propaganda demanded the mayor Arnoldo German. June 11, 1993 The Union of Journalists of Nicaragua (UPN), and brought before the ILO FELAP, injury suffered by journalists from El Nuevo Diario, Mario Sanchez and Frank Torres, in the coverage of a violent eviction to make the Riot police against workers unpaid. June 22, 1993 Several journalists who came to the town of Esteli to cover enfrentamient between the EPS and the military were received by the illegal shootings rearmed. July 31, 1993 A former member of the punitive forces of the left, omitting his identity, was submitted to the newspaper La Prensa to report that members of the FPI had set up a terrorist plot against this newspaper and other private institutions. The head of FPI, Frank Ibarra, was awarded murder of Arges Sequeira Mangas, manager of private enterprise. August 21, 1993 A commando of about 12 people attacked the premises of Radio Corporation. The station has been taken and damaged three times by groups identified as "Sandinista sympathizers," and that this radio is characterized by ellenguage "risque" against Sandinistas. September 23, 1993 Through anonymous phone calls, they threatened to blow up the Radio Station of Matagalpa Septentrion stating that "face the same fate of Radio Corporation ". The threats came after a story was aired on a civic march called by a group of carriers.
