the Inter American Press Assodation held its 49th General Assernbly in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina
the President of Argentina, Carlos S. Menem, the President of Paraguay, Juan Carlos Wasmosy, and the President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle, honored us with their presence at and partidpation in the opening ceremonies and luncheon
the mayor of San Carlos de Bariloche, Mrs. María del Rosario Severino de Costa, and the director of Nahuel Huapi National Park, Nantlais Evans, welcomed us at our opening session
our organizing committee, chaired by Jorge E. Fascetto and also made up of Isabel Stunz de Fascetto, Mariana Miret de Kraiselburd, Carlos Fascetto, Raúl E. Kraiselburd, Fernando Cuello and Angel Núñez, produced an excellent program of professional, cultural and sodal activities
the 49th General Assembly received the generous support of the following persons and private and public organizations that sponsored sodal events and provided elements that fadlitated the course of the meeting: Alejandro Junco de la Vega, La Nación, Río Negro, Clarín, Rockwell Graphic Systems, Central National-Gottesman Ine., Cristalina S.A., Bodegas Chandon, the President's Office, the Secretariat of Tourism, the Munidpality of San Carlos de Bariloche, the Diocese of San Carlos de Bariloche and Aerolíneas Argentinas
the 49th General Assembly was incredibly successful for members, friends and supporters
that the president, officers, directors and members express their deepest gratitude and appredation to all who have contributed.
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Madrid, Spain