
APPRECIATION WHEREAS the Inter American Press Association held its 53rd General Assembly in the city of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico the Host Committee, chaired by Gonzalo Leafío, Ocho Columnas, Guadalajara, and including Rafael Rodríguez, Ocho Columnas; Rómulo O'FarrillJr., Novedades, México, D.F.; Carlos Alvarez deI Castillo, El Informador, Guadalajara; José Santiago Healy, El Imparcial, Hermosillo; Ildefonso Salido, Los Debates, Sinaloa; Gerardo García Gamboa, Novedades de Yucatán, Mérida, and Benjamín Fernández, El Imparcial, Oaxaca, provided a hospitable and intellectual environment with numerous courtesies conducive to professional and social activities the president of Mexico, the Honorable Ernesto Zedillo Ponce de León, honored the Association's invitation to address its members and guests Mexican Secretary of Commerce Herminio Blanco agreed to address the IAPA members and guests Antonio Leafío Alvarez deI Castillo, Abraham Lowenthal, Antonio Ortiz Mena, Isaac Cohen, Alvaro de Soto, Mark Malloch Brown, Peter Hakim, Peter Eigen, Bernard Kalb, Elio Catania; Lise Olsen, Leonarda Reyes, Eduardo Danilo Ruiz, Roger Black, Homero Hinajosa, Tomás Eloy Martínez and Murray Fromson provided insightful talks on matters of great interest to lAPA members the 53rd General Assembly received the generous support of the following persons and organizations who sponsored hospitality receptions, dinners and events, and provided usefuI and informative video, book and other materiaIs: the Governor of the State of Jalisco, Alberto Cárdenas; the Mayor of Guadalajara, César Coll, the Mayor of Zapopan, José María Hernández Quintero; Ocho Columnas, Aeroméxico; Autonomous University of Guadalajara, FolkIoric Ballet of the University of Colima; Folkloric Ballet of the University of Guadalajara; The Providence Joumal-Bulletin; The Freedom Forum; Abitibi Consolidated, Goss Graphic Systems, Cervecería Cuahutémoc-Moctezuma; CBS-Telenoticias, IBM Latin America, Telmex, Omnitrition the 53rd General Assembly was by ali accounts a resounding success for members, friends and supporters THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE IAPA RESOLVES that the president, officers, directors and members express their deepest gratitude and appreciation to ali who have so generously contributed.
