
APPRECIATION WHEREAS • the Inter American Press Association held its 47th General Assembly in Sao Paulo, Brazil • our Host Committee, chaired by Júlio César Ferreira de Mesquita, O Estado de S. Paulo, and including Paulo de Q. Andreolli, O Estado de S. Paulo; Jayme Sirotsky, Rede Brasil Sul; Joao Roberto Marinho, O Globo; Mario Gusmao, Jornal NH; Renato Sim6es, A Tarde; and Carlos Alberto Sáfadi, SAMAB, provided a hospitable and friendly environment conducive to professional and social activities • President Fernando Collor de Mello accepted the invitation of the association to address the members and their guests and sent Minister of Information, José Goldemberg, to speak on his behalf • Gov. Luiz Antonio Fleury Filho invited members and their guests to the Palacio dos Bandeirantes • Enrique Iglesias, President of the Inter-American Development Bank; Prof. Benjamin Compaine; José Claudio Cardoso Ururahy, Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics; Evaristo Eduardo de Miranda, Brazilian Enterprise of Farm Technology; Clayton Ferreira Lino, Editor for Environmental Matters of Agencia Estado; Richard Melton, Ambassador of the United States; David Malpass, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Latin American Affairs; Jorge E. Fascetto, Diario Popular; Carlos Castaneda, El Nuevo Día; Orlando Marques, Editora Globo; Sam Verdeja, The Miami Herald; Augusto Nunes, O Estado de S. Paulo; Tom Brokaw, NBC; Karen DeYoung, Washington Post; Warren Hoge, The New York Times; Danilo Arbilla, Búsqueda, and Rodrigo Lara Mesquita, Agencia Estado, provided insightful talks on matters of great interest to IAPA members • the 47th General Assembly received the generous support of the following persons and organizations who sponsored hospitality events and provided useful and informative material: S.A. O Estado de S.Paulo, Jornal Zero Hora, SAMAB Cia. Ind. e Como de Papel, Cia T. Janer Como e Ind., Alphaser Servi~os de Informática Ltda., American Express do Brasil S.A. Turismo, Autolatina Brasil S.A., Banco Real, Branac Papel e Celulose, S.A, Cia. Real de Hoteis (Hotel Transámerica), Central National-Gottesman, Ine., Doppel Agencia de Viagems e Turismo Ltda., FIESP/CIESP- Federaçao e Centro das Industrias do Estado de Sao Paulo, H. SternJoalheiros, IBM Brasil Ltda., Lastro Indústria Editora Ltda., Mu1tisolunóes Informatica Ltd., Providence Journal-Bulletin, Rede Globo, Sharp Ind. e Como S.A., Sistema de Comunicaçao Jornal do Commercio-Recife, and TV Jovem Pan • the 47th General Assembly was by all accounts a resounding sucess for members, friends and supporters THE 47th GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE IAPA RESOLVES • that the president, officers, directors and members express their deepest gratitude and appreciation to all who have contributed.
