
COLOMBIA WHEREAS • Since its founding, the Inter American Press Association has fought for full freedom of expression as the best means to strengthen democracy • Some IAPA members have given their lives and others - whose only crime has been to speak out against terrorism, drug trafficking and poverty and for the reign of peace - are unjustly being threatened or kidnapped, as in Colombia • it is the duty of the 46th General Assernbly of the Inter American Press Association to be aware of and to speak out on these issues THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF THE IAPA RESOLVES • to condemn abduction and intimidation of all news men and women, particularly those who have fallen victim recently in Colombia, and to request those holding them captive to restore them safe and sound to their homes, so as to strengthen a civilized climate of understanding in Colombia, and throughout the hemisphere, where the authorities must spare no effort to sustain a state of law which guarantees justice and freedom fcr all • to express our deepest sympathy and solidarity with the courageous journalists of Colombia.
