IAPA demands the Cuban government to cease police and judicial persecution of independent journalists New wave of repression against the organizers of a social protest on November 15.
IAPA condemns the murders of journalists in Haiti and the U.S. Urges countries to curb violence against the press
IAPA concern and grief at murder of journalists in United States Concern and grief at the tragic attack suffered at the newspaper Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland, in which five press workers lost their lives.
IAPA calls for release of journalists imprisoned in Nicaragua Solidarity on a new anniversary of the newspaper La Prensa
Journalists dressed in white march to denounce murders in Haiti Eight of their colleagues have been killed this year
The IAPA Reiterates its Concern About the Defenselessness of Journalists in Haiti The entity condemned the actions of the gangs that continue to attack, kidnap, and assassinate communicators with total impunity.
IAPA mission urgently calls on Nicaragua to restore freedoms The Inter-American Organization urges international organizations to act with speed in the face of the rapid acceleration of the repressive escalation and persecution of the press and opposition leaders.