IAPA asks Ecuador and Colombia governments to fully clarify the murder of three journalists IAPA make a public call on them to continue with the same determination for the crime to be fully clarified and true justice to be done.
IAPA condemns murder of journalist in Colombia This week also killed were another two journalists in Mexico and Haiti.
Family members of murdered journalist to be redressed in unprecedented act during IAPA meeting in Cartagena "Public act of recognition of international responsibility" on the part of the government of Colombia with the objective of redressing inefficiencies and injustices regarding the case of journalist Nelson Carvajal Carvajal, murdered in 1998.
IAPA and Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights celebrate landmark ruling for freedom of expression in the Americas The Inter-American Court of Human Rights held the State of Colombia accountable for the impunity of a crime against a journalist.
IAPA concerned at ruling against practice of journalism in Colombia Serious and of concern that this decision will create the precedent that the media must ask permission to publish public facts of those affected, "a kind of prior censorship in practice."
Strong rejection from IAPA for acts of espionage against journalists in Colombia Espionage is a reminiscent of the dark moments in Latin American journalism's past.