IAPA urges caution in regulating on social media in Honduras Special laws are not needed to regulate on offenses that could be committed on the Internet when these are already contemplated in the general regulations.
IAPA Warns of Bill in El Salvador that Restricts NGOs and the Media "This is a severe limitation by the government against organizations that support social and human rights issues that depend on international support to carry out their work."
Obstacles to the practice of journalism, sustainability and independence of the media are the main concerns, emphasizes Carlos Jornet Assessment of the complex situation of press freedom in the Americas.
IAPA calls court decision in Guatemala prior censorship "Inappropriate use" of the application of the Law on Femicide and Other Forms of Violence against Women to block information of public interest.
IAPA praise initiative of Colombian Congressmen in support of the media The organization urged other governments in the Americas to promote similar measures and requested all the Colombian parliamentary forces to accompany the proposal.
Successful IAPA mission promotes agenda in Washington in favor of journalists and media sustainability "We are delighted because we have received a good reception for our claims and concerns," said IAPA President, Jorge Canahuati.
IAPA rejects creation of an official media observatory in Argentina Surprise that a topic so relevant to society and democracy "has not had the necessary public debate."