Journalistic Organizations Sign Santiago + 30 Declaration The declaration emerges within the context of a meeting convened by UNESCO to celebrate World Press Freedom Day.
Ecuador's President signed the Chapultepec Declaration and reiterates his commitment to press freedom The IAPA highlighted the openness and tolerance of Lenín Moreno's government.
The IAPA announces winner of the #expressyourself contest and reiterates the principles of the Declaration of Salta The winner of the #expressyourself contest is Daniel Centeno Perdomo; author of "Bozal de arepa".
IAPA and IAB Renew Commitment to Fight for Press Freedom in the Americas The Declaration of Washington encourages both institutions to continue working with a joint plan in favor of press freedom and media sustainability in the Western Hemisphere.
IAPA launches campaign to promote freedom of expression in the digital era Under the label #exprésate the IAPA seeks to create awareness about the rights and duties that users, media, journalists, digital platforms and governments have in the digital era.